
Monday, September 2, 2013

Meet an Author Monday...Introducing ME!!!

For Meet an Author Monday, I have decided that for today I will reintroduce myself to everyone since I really haven't posted anything about myself since last October.  A million things have changed since than.  Not a whole lot of good things, but I'm coping!!!
The Femur Bone of a YOUNG T-Rex....I'm only a little more than a head taller than it's thigh bone....OH MY!!!
So let's get started.....My name is Leah and I am 25 years old.  I am a college graduate with a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and hold a PA certification to teach grades K-6.  I just recently left my Pre-K teaching position after two years at a local daycare for a ton of reasons, but my main reason was to find a teaching position in a school district.  I was really nervous to get back out into the subbing world, but also excited as well.  So far, everything is going pretty great and I'm really enjoying being with a variety of students at different age levels.  Now that I have a foot in the door, I'm hoping that new opportunities will present themselves to me!!
I am a self proclaimed Book Nerd and proud of it.  If you told me a year a ago that I would be a reading fanatic, I would have laughed in your face and walked away.  I use to hate reading because I would stumble over the simplest words and I really just didn't have the attention span to complete a book.  When I was in college, right before Twilight came out in theaters, I stared to read it to see what the hype was all about.  Needless to say, I enjoyed the series, but it took me four years to complete the series because I just couldn't and wouldn't find the time to sit and read.  After I finished the series, I never thought I would find another book that would ever get my attention.  But all that changed last July (2012) when a co-worker and really good friend of mine (Fellow Book Nerd) told me about The Fallen Star series by Jessica Sorensen (Yes, I adore Jessica and I talk about her a lot, get use to it, lol)  She convinced me to download The Fallen Star to the kindle app on my phone and since it was free, I figured why not, I have nothing to lose.  So I started reading it right away and I never was able to put it down.  I finished the book in about a week and I was shocked that I could actually do it.  I went out and bought my kindle to make sure I had somewhere to house the rest of this amazing series.  All 4 of the books were completed in a month and I felt extremely accomplished!!!  I knew I had found my new hobby, which has now become a part of my life!!!  I'm still nowhere near where most avid readers are with their completing 20 books a month, but I'm reading a lot more than I ever thought I could.  I have also met some amazing authors and bloggers that I'm happy to now call my friends!!
So besides reading, I love music.  I listen to just about anything.  It usually depends on my mood as to what I am listening to at the moment.  If anyone ever looked at my iTunes account, they would never be able to pin point a specific genre of music that I like over another.  I have eclectic taste and it keeps things interesting.  I also love to scrapbook.  I take tons of pictures and I like to document everything.  I love looking back over things and taking a walk down memory lane.  I also love movies.  I have a large DVD collection and now I have Netflix, so I'm always watching something new.  Finally, I love to shop.  I have to go shopping at least once a week.  I don't always have to buy something, but I just love walking around stores and looking at anything!!
I have a kitten named Ember (named after Jessica Sorensen's book, Ember)  She is a jet black kitty and I just adore her.  She will be turning 1 on the 16th and I can't imagine my life without her!!  She keeps me smiling and moving on when I feel like I can't anymore!!
I think that's pretty much all of me, lol and I appreciate if you have read this far!! 
Now, I'm going to do a Lighting Round of random questions:
1. Favorite color: Blue
2. Favorite food: Hot Wings
3. Favorite movie: The Sandlot
4. Favorite Sports Teams:  Yankees and Steelers
5. Favorite TV Show: Orange is the New Black
Thanks for reading about me and I hope you enjoyed this post.....Next Monday, I will be interviewing an author.....Can't wait to share!!! :)
Have a wonderful and safe Labor Day Book Nerds!!!

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About Me

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Pennsylvania, United States
I love to read!! :) Click on the Get To Know Me tab to learn more!!