
Sunday, October 13, 2013

For the Love of Gracie Blog Tour......Last Stop and Many Thanks!!!

I wanted to begin by thanking all of the amazing blogs and Facebook pages who took part in the For the Love of Gracie blog tour.  This was my first attempt at setting a blog tour up and I am so appreciative to all of you for helping me out and really getting the word out there.  I could never thank you enough!!

Cu's Ebook Giveaways

Lost in a sea ofwords

Reading Past MyBedtime
Meme's Reviews

Cajun Book Lover

This Redhead LovesBooks

 Obsession is a book
I also want to thank Amy McClung for her amazing book that she has shared with me.  Amy you are a super talent and I can't wait to see what you have in store for this series.  I also want to thank you for helping put this tour together and having an amazing giveaway to promote!!  You are the best!! 

Amy's Link

Facebook      Blog      Goodreads      Amazon      Smashwords


Now for the final post for the blog tour.....My Review!!!!
My thoughts
5 Stars *****
Let me just start by saying WOW.....This book was absolutely amazing!!  For Amy's first attempt at NA, I think she went above and beyond.  I couldn't put this book down.  Definitely read through it in less than 2 full days.  The emotions throughout this book are extremely real and you can tell that Amy did her research.  One of the things I love about Amy's books is that they keep you guessing until the very end.  This story was no stranger to the twists and turns and that is what made it so intriguing.  I always had to find out what was coming next.
The characters are "FABULOUS" together.  What a perfect mix of personalities to really bring this story to life.   Gracie is so amazing and you just have to fall in love with her.  She is beyond strong to continue on after all that she endures.  Definitely a role model character for women.  Even though she is a little naive in the beginning, she begins to come into her own as the story continues and I was rooting for her all the way.  Cam is the best friend that I always wanted.  He is beyond the expectations of what a best friend should be like and Gracie is so lucky to have him in her life.  Ashton is so dreamy.  He definitely makes the story interesting.  I'm not going to give the story away, so I'll just stop there, hehehe :)
Overall, this story was an emotional rollercoaster ride with super highs and hell depth lows.  It really makes you feel for these characters who are going through some really difficult situations.  I definitely cried, screamed, laughed, got angry, and smiled all while reading this.  I have to say that Amy did an amazing job to draw the emotions out of the reader like she does and can really get you thinking about what is going to happen next.  The twist and turns throughout are sometimes blindsides that are definitely needed and I extremely enjoy them.  The story never gets boring.  Amy, you rock and I know I tell you that all the time, but it is so true.  This book rocked my socks and I totally recommend it to everyone I talk to!!  I can't wait to see what you have coming up next for this series and these amazing characters!!!  Wonderful job my friend!!!        

And I just have to add the Cam Moment Excerpt, because he is FABULOUS
****Cameron was sitting on the couch. He snickered and pointed. “Nice bed head.”
I reached up to smooth my hair down. “Where’s Ash?”
He acted offended. “Nice to see you too, sunshine.”
I rolled my eyes. “You know I’m always glad to see you. Would you like something to eat?”
With an old English accent he stated, “Yes fair maiden, fetch me food!”
I turned away from him. “Wanna guess how many fingers I’m holding up?” I strolled to the kitchen, whistling. 
Cameron followed like a lost puppy. I turned almost bumping into him. “Personal space, man.”
He stepped back from me, “Sorry. What are we going to make?”
I opened the fridge, “Hmm. Eggs, bacon and French toast…how does that sound?”
His stomach growled in response. He pointed to his stomach and says, “Little Cam says that sounds delish.”
I cocked an eyebrow at him, “So that’s what you call Little Cam?”
He stuck his hand on his hip and said, “Yep, cause ain't nothing else little.”  I snorted with laughter.**** 

Purchase Link

Amazon Link     

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to read For the Love of Gracie!! It sounds fantastic and I just love Amy's books!!


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